Credit Update(I am deeply sorry...)

Hi there, it's Grunk Grunk here. 

Main question in everyone's mind is-what will happen to Jim and the bees at Bee Kingdom. I will update that very soon. 

But that is not why this post is created....

Today I would like to clear an issue. By the way, thanks to everyone who rated me for the Mini Jam- Bugs. Because of you game-devs, I had come 8th in presentation around the world. But however, the music in the game was not mine. Due to the deadline creeping upon me, I decided to hastily submit the project. In the submission page, I had forgot to mention the original creator of the song in my game. This was pointed by Roundisch Wahle who commented on my game in the rating section. The song was Focus from Super Hexagon EP by Chipzel. This composer wrote the song originally in 2012. But today, as a game dev I regret using this asset and therefore as an apology, I request other game devs to show some kindness and love for the composer of this song aka Chipzel.  


Will be back with more games and a better update,

Grunk Grunk



project (4).html Play in browser
Apr 19, 2021

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